My name is Manyi. Technically, it’s Manyi-Eyong, but I go by Manyi for short. Welcome to my sliver of the Internet. I started blogging in 2019, my junior year of college. I am a college student that’s trying to make sense of my lived experiences and live the life I’ve always dreamt of. If you’re reading this, I bet you are, too.
Carpe Diem is an old Latin saying that translates to “Seize the Day”. As confused as I am about my identity in my 20-somethings, what fuels me, and what fulfills me, Manyi’s Carpe Diem is a place where I hold myself accountable to make the most of every day I get to see. I always see books and tv shows of people 20 years older than me telling me how I should live my life now in my 20s, but I can rarely find the people my age currently living it, which is why I started this blog.
In the pursuit of finding myself, I like to write about travel, fashion, and college life.
Carpe Diem doesn’t have to mean traveling to every country and climbing Mount Everest. Here, in my little sliver of the Internet, every day that we get to learn something new about ourselves or the world, try something new, align ourselves with our passions and purpose, celebrate ourselves, honor ourselves, and navigate this world being unabashedly ourselves is Carpe Diem. Welcome to my Carpe Diem. Let’s embark on this journey together.